Eye of the Tiger


Tiger eye and coral earrings. PROPERTIES: It is said that Roman soldiers wore a carved tiger's eye to protect them in battle and is still used today as a protective stone. It cures mental illnesses and personality disorders. Helps with problems of self-esteem and self-criticism as well as the fulfillment of your goals, releases blocked creativity and facilitates the recognition of your talents and weaknesses. It also supports addicts to change.

Availability: 1 in stock

SKU: 83 Categories: ,

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    150.00 Add to cart

    Tiger eye, necklace and pendant carved in the shape of a flower. PROPERTIES: It is said that Roman soldiers wore a carved tiger's eye to protect them in battle and is still used today as a protective stone. It cures mental illnesses and personality disorders. Helps with problems of self-esteem and self-criticism as well as the fulfillment of your goals, releases blocked creativity and facilitates the recognition of your talents and weaknesses. It also supports addicts to change.

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